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Issue #178 | February 5th, 2023

Aloha Shark!

Above you see me glady signing the “200 Club”—which means I’ve attended 200 workout sessions since signing up.

(“300 Club” you’re next!)

And I can tell you, no single workout has made a huge difference.

But all of them together—have really started to add up.

As I always tell myself, it’s not about being the “best” in the workout class. It’s not about “killing it” every single time.

It’s all about showing up.

Even if I feel tired and have to drag myself through it… I consider that a win.

If you take the same approach to your business… there’s no reason you can’t succeed. 

And to help you do that, let’s dive into this round of Shark Bites…


[Note: Catch of the Week is where we share some of the greatest weekly wins from Sharks that write in. If you'd like to be “nominated” for Catch of the Week, be sure to post in the Remote Agency Owners Facebook Group using #win. And you may be featured too. Now on to the good stuff…]

This time on “Catch of the Week…”

  • Up first, Shannon Pizano writes in with a HUGE update. Shannon let us know about… having a $21,590 week! That is amazing. Well worth reading the post to find out how something like that is even done…
  • Next, Olier Leca with TWO wins—one a small, but mighty upsell to a website client. And another… the BIGGEST SEO contract Oliver has ever gotten—$21,719 for the year!
  • Then our very own, Nick Ponte, landed a $5K per month client. Nice.
  • Then Prisco Fuabah let us know he was feeling PUMPED after landing a nice recurring monthly client…
  • And last but not least, Remote Millionaire, Adam Van Duyne keeps us updated about his lead and sales pipeline—and it sounds promising.

Another great week! Thanks for writing in your wins (and if you haven’t written in a win yet, maybe this is your week?).

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Catch 2

Up first, an article about something we almost never cover in “Pirate’s Booty”—Yelp. This one about the report Yelp recently released about fake reviews among other things. Now we don’t think you should EVER use fake reviews (It’s not a good practice.) But this article is pretty interesting. So if you’d like to learn more about how Yelp decides which reviews get removed, you can learn more about it here:

Yelp Details Removal Of Paid Review Groups & Lead Generators

Next, Google Ads adds a new feature. This time letting advertisers manage negative keywords more efficiently. As you may know, we are BIG fans of Google Ads. (We even have a course about it called PPC Maverick). So if you happen to offer Google Ads, well worth reading here:

New Google Ads Feature: Account-Level Negative Keywords

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A question that confuses agency owners the world over:

To specialize or not to specialize…

The truth is, both specializing and remaining a “generalist” have their benefits. Yes, specialists tend to demand higher fees and can become the “go-to” in their industries.

But if you’re just starting out… those might be too lofty of goals to chase in the first place.

That’s why I recommend understanding the power of being a “generalist”.

At least at the beginning.

And if you want a more in-depth discussion about this, I talked all about it on Episode 27 of the Remote Millionaires Podcast.

You can tune in and learn all about my thoughts on specializing right here:

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How can you land more high-ticket clients?

Well one way is by choosing the right niche.

Because while you can be successful in almost any niche… there are certain niches that are just “rich”.

Take lawyers for example.

Love them or hate them—lawyers can charge a lot for their time.

Which means they can afford to pay you a lot—and each customer you bring them will be worth far more as well. 

And guess what?

We talked a lot more about this on this week’s Aloha Friday Local Marketing Jam Session.

To be clear, it wasn’t just lawyers that we talked about.

Really, there are many niches where you can use this idea successfully.

If you’d like to know what Nick and I think about it, head here:

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All right, that does it for now.

Thanks for playing this round of Shark Bites.

As I’ve mentioned a few times, we have a new course in the works that will be heavily discounted when it launches. (You’ll of course be hearing a lot more about it when it does.)

This course does tie into the idea of “rich niches” like we talked about on the Aloha Friday Local Marketing Jam Session this week.

So if you’re interested in a bit of a sneak peek at the course… I recommend using the link above to catch the replay. 

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday and I’ll talk to you soon!


Tom Gaddis

P.S. Hungry for more content? Here are three easy ways we can help you today:

  1. Remote Millionaires Podcast – Get free weekly episodes about growing a lifestyle business from anywhere in the world.
  2. Agency Growth Machine – Our highly-popular directory strategy that makes YOU a local influencer.
  3. Shark Alliance – Want to see my step-by-step roadmap to go from $0 to 6-figures in sales each year? Click here to learn more and try it for a full 30-days for just $1. 
  4. Remote Millionaires Coaching Program – Free 15-Minute Agency Strategy Call with our team.
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Picture of Tom Gaddis

Tom Gaddis

Attended the School of Hard Knocks. A former restaurant manager in Oklahoma, Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success bad enough that he picked up his family, including two small children and moved to beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Starting from zero, Tom embarked on building a local marketing consulting business. And promptly fell on his face! It seems Hawaiians were lovely people, until you tried to sell them something! But he persevered and learned from his mistakes. Today he's arguably one of the most successful in his niche and expecting to grow over 100% this year alone.

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