
Launching February 17th–20th, Tom & Nick's Latest Winner

Our LARGEST Cash Giveaway EVER!

$30,000 in JV Cash Prizes Up For Grabs

Affiliate Link

Launching on WarriorPlus, where we've had a long string of highly-successful 6-figure launches. Get your affiliate link now so you're ready for February 17th!

Email Swipes

Download our custom-written email swipe file, laid out day-by-day with easily customizable emails to ensure maximum conversions from your list.

Sales Page Preview

Preview our front-end sales page, designed to hook potential customers and then keep them reading, with a proven format that converts like crazy.

Sign Up For Launch Updates

Enter your info below to receive updates on the Professional Services Payday launch.

Important Launch Information

Professional Services Payday is a complete, step-by-step video training course that shows you how to crack the most lucrative niches in local marketing. You'll learn how to quickly locate an abundance of ideal prospects, get through the gatekeeper with ease, and sell a simple $1,500-3,500+ service.

Built-In Scarcity Each Day of the Launch

Quick, 4 Day Launch

Launching on WarriorPlus, where we've had a long string of highly-successful 6-figure launches. Get your affiliate link now so you're ready for February 17th!

Early Bird Discounts

Launching on WarriorPlus, where we've had a long string of highly-successful 6-figure launches. Get your affiliate link now so you're ready for February 17th!

Launching On Warrior+

Launching on WarriorPlus, where we've had a long string of highly-successful 6-figure launches. Get your affiliate link now so you're ready for February 17th!

The Plan Is In Place To Deliver MAXIMUM EPCs

We've Paid Out Over $350,000 Just Last Year To Affiliate Partners!

Our Launches Crush It for JV's!

Of Course We Reciprocate...



Grab Your Piece of Our Cash Contests!

Over our last several launches we've paid out over $250,000 in cold hard CASH PRIZES to our affiliates.
Friday, February 17th at 11am ET
Monday, Feb. 20th at 11:59pm PT
The Total Toss-Up
$10,000 Total Prize Money
Based on Total Revenue
1st Place: $4,000
2nd Place: $2,500
3rd Place: $1,500
4th Place: $750
5th Place: $500
6th Place: $300
7th Place: $250
8th Place: $100
9th Place: $50
10th Place: $50
Sprint Stakes
$17,500 Total Prize Money
Based on FE Sales
First to 500: $7,000
First to 400: $4,000
First to 300: $2,500
Next to 200: $1,500
Next to 100: $1,000
Next to 75: $750
Next to 50: $500
Next to 25: $250

First to 500: $7,000
First to 400: $4,000
First to 300: $2,500
Next to 200: $1,500
Next to 100: $1,000
Next to 75: $750
Next to 50: $500
Next to 25: $250
The Close Encounter
$2,500 Total Prize Money
Based on Total Revenue, 2/19–2/20
1st Place: $1,500
2nd Place: $750
3rd Place: $250

1st Place: $1,500
2nd Place: $750
3rd Place: $250
(Note: Total cash prize paid for all contests will be capped at the amount of your total commissions for the launch.)

Get Your Affiliate Resources

Affiliate Link

Launching on WarriorPlus, where we've had a long string of highly-successful 6-figure launches. Get your affiliate link now so you're ready for February 17th!

Email Swipes

Download our custom-written email swipe file, laid out day-by-day with easily customizable emails to ensure maximum conversions from your list.

Sales Page Preview

Preview our front-end sales page, designed to hook potential customers and then keep them reading, with a proven format that converts like crazy.

Sign Up For Launch Updates

Enter your info below to receive updates on the Professional Services Payday launch.

Need Help? Connect With Us!

Need Help? 
Connect With Us!

You can reach us anytime at

Nick Ponte

Offline Sharks

Tom Gaddis

Offline Sharks

Cameron Roat

Launch Manager

This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook™, YouTube ™, or Google ™ in any way.
Earnings Disclaimer: We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you improve your business skills and encourage you to take action so you can build your business. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" ideology; we only want serious people who want to work hard to build their business. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That's why it's important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the links above as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income. It's all the regular legal disclaimers but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by.
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All Rights Reserved.