This video contains a Live Prospecting Call With a Restaurant, but beware— I don't get the sale on this call.
Well, most businesses know that they need to implement marketing to grow, but they have no clue what that really means. They're also usually pretty clueless as to how we're actually able to get the job done. So in this case, you have to educate them in order to make a sale.
Now those of you that have had experience with this, know that having to educate a client on your services, usually makes for a difficult win. Often times, it means not closing the sale.
And those of you that know me know that I'm not only about showing the highlight reals.. I also share when my calls or prospecting doesn't go entirely as planned. And I do this because I know a lot of people can learn from mistakes as well as success, sometimes even more.
So one of the many valuable aspects of this call comes down to knowing the difference of when you need to educate your target.
Of course, an easier win would be encountering a prospect who knows the value in marketing, why it's important, and fundamentally what goes into the specific service.
You don't need to spend any time chumming the waters or educating them on why, they already know. And if you can also identify other valuable information about them, like if they are already spending money on advertising, then We call these types of customers unicorns.
Because like a unicorn, we've all heard of them, but not many people ever find em.
Sort of like customers who know exactly what they want, have the money, and are prepared to spend it!
So of course when you do find a unicorn, a sale is much easier.
You should capture it and bring it back to me.
Haha, just kidding 🙂
But seriously, Unfortunately not all clients are unicorns, and sometimes you need to educate clients, and the sales process can take a little longer than expected.
Just like in this call..
I do believe they'll come back around, but you never know..
In any case, if you're looking to grow your business, you'll surely encounter both, and this video will help educate you on that now.