I've been dropping subtle hints of a new strategy + software that i've quietly been battle testing behind the scenes here at Shark HQ, and in this video I'm finally ready to unveil, Online Revenue System.
As you all know, i'm a firm believer in taking massive action and either failing miserably or cashing in for glory. Either way, I'm willing to share that info with my friends, and it just so happens that over the last 30 days we've been cashing in.
There are 3 pieces to this process, one of which is accessing a robust new software to identify the perfect prospect and all of their data points to connect with this specific service.
Enter Soci Spy, the software that makes it all possible, which I'm going to demo for you now.
I've been using this new software, prospecting method, fulfillment strategy, and outreach resources to land these $300/deals, all of which are included within ORS which is on a special launch pricing over the weekend and will be ending come Monday.