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Issue #124 | January 23rd, 2022

Aloha Shark,

When Nick's not plotting and scheming his world—errrrh remote business domination… he's breaking into bank vaults! Only kidding. 

That picture was actually taken after a dinner Nick had near his home in New York's Financial District. Apparently, it was the old JP Morgan bank vault.

Pretty cool, eh? 

Well with that bit of Nick trivia out of the way, let's dive into this round of Shark Bites


[Note: Catch of the Week is where we share some of the greatest weekly wins from Sharks that write in. If you'd like to be “nominated” for Catch of the Week, be sure to post in the Offline Sharks Private Facebook Group using #win. And you may be featured too. Now on to the good stuff…]

This week we have another trio of wins. The first is from Tammy Bar—who posted a “double win” for two clients that will equal a nice, fat $5,000! Chances are that could turn in to more gigs down the road too.

Up next, we have our newest “Megalodon” Shark (which means she hit 6-figures a year in sales in her agency), Jocelyn Correa Wing. Jocelyn just landed two new gigs from existing clients at $1K a pop.

And last but not least, Oliver Leca (who had a win last week too!). Olivier got TWO new clients right after our training this week on SEO. Just goes to show you that action-takers get rewarded.

Great job everyone!

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Welcome to “Pirate's Booty”—a curated stash of local marketing news and content for your reading pleasure. 

Your first piece of local marketing “booty” is about a Google Maps feature that is currently in testing. The feature is that Google Maps is now showing a review snippet for each business. The feature is somewhat controversial. However, it's something you should be aware of. Learn more here:

Google Maps Pins With Review Snippets

Next is more SEO goodness. This one all about automating SEO to simplify the boring tasks. To find out how to do that, use this link:

SEO Automation: How To Simplify Boring Tasks & Win Customers Over

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How To Make Consistent Progress
In Your Business

What's the real secret of success? Put simply, it's getting more done than the other guy. That's it.

That said, it's not always so easy to take action. Heck—it can be hard to just get started! Which is why a while back, Nick filmed this video all about how you can get more done starting today.

>>> Click here to watch now…

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The Tools I Use Every Day
To Get More Done

Recently I've been on a bit of a productivity kick. After all, the more you get done, the more progress you make. (Pretty obvious right?)

But the thing is, it's not always so easy to figure out how to get more done. Which is why on this week's “What's The Secret?” podcast, I chat about 3 tools I use every day to get more work done than any sane person I know (just kidding!). 

Plus, I share a great book that has boosted my productivity as well.  To check it out, head here:

>>> Click here to listen in now…

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The Business-Changing Magic
Of "Offer Stacking"

On this weeks Aloha Friday Local Marketing Jam Session… we chatted about one of the best ways to charge more starting today.

The beauty of this way is that you don't have to land a single more client. And you don't even have to raise your rates if you don't want to.

Because this way of doing it actually lets you offer WAY more value to your client. And obviously, they pay you for it handsomely.

This is how we turn a single, low-paying project into a high-ticket and/or recurring revenue stream that fills our piggy banks for months and even years in some cases.

This was a great Live Show on a powerful, money-making topic.

To catch the replay, check it out here:

Alrighty Shark—that's all for now!

We'll be back in your inbox tomorrow with more money-making goodness. In the meantime, head on over to the Offline Sharks Private Facebook Group for more content and to meet a few business friends.

Tom Gaddis

P.S. Hungry for more content? Here are three easy ways we can help you today:

  1. Agency Growth Machine – Our highly-popular directory strategy that makes YOU a local influencer.
  2. Shark Alliance – Want to see my step-by-step roadmap to go from $0 to 6-figures in sales each year? Click here to learn more and try it for a full 30-days for just $1. 
  3. Remote Millionaires Coaching Program – Schedule your free Breakthrough Call to learn the strategy we use to build remote business to 6-figures a year from scratch.

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Picture of Tom Gaddis

Tom Gaddis

Attended the School of Hard Knocks. A former restaurant manager in Oklahoma, Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success bad enough that he picked up his family, including two small children and moved to beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Starting from zero, Tom embarked on building a local marketing consulting business. And promptly fell on his face! It seems Hawaiians were lovely people, until you tried to sell them something! But he persevered and learned from his mistakes. Today he's arguably one of the most successful in his niche and expecting to grow over 100% this year alone.

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