Issue #140 | May 15th, 2022
Even though it's a glorious Sunday, I'm sharing the “Throwback Thursday” picture above from when Nick was in New York.
(Man he looks like Don Draper in that shot!)
One of the reasons I love that shot is because it's probably something that just a few years back Nick would've never dreamed of. I mean, having an agency that generates a crazy amount of revenue and gives you the freedom to live 5,000 miles away for a year?
Pretty incredible if you ask me.
In fact, it's why we do what we do. So that you too can build a business that gives you a similar type of freedom. And to help you do just that, here's another heaping dose of Shark Bites…
[Note: Catch of the Week is where we share some of the greatest weekly wins from Sharks that write in. If you'd like to be “nominated” for Catch of the Week, be sure to post in the Remote Agency Owners Facebook Group using #win. And you may be featured too. Now on to the good stuff…]
This time on “Catch of the Week…”
- First up, we have a nice TRIPLE win from Remote Millionaire Member, Norm Thomas. First Norm landed a 6 hour deal @ a juicy $175 hour. And then two wins selling our Home Services Jackpot strategy (with a nice monthly recurring tacked on). That's the kind of progress our RM Members make. Great job Norm!
- Then another win from our very own Nick Ponte. Who landed a few clients (and just one of them was worth $3K/month!!!)
- Then there's Cody Weaver who landed a small but mighty $375/month client.
- And RM Member, Bill Stanley who closed yet another project management job… this one for a fat $3,000!
- And last but certainly not least, Jerry Wright, wrote in with two gigs totaling $731.
Great job everyone and thanks for sharing your wins!
Welcome to “Pirate's Booty”—a curated stash of local marketing news and content for your reading pleasure.
As you may know, SEO is one of our favorite services. The reason why is because it is high-value to clients. But requires almost constant upkeep (which equals monthly recurring revenue for you!). That said, because of this, you need to know the changing trends and forces. Which is exactly what this first piece of “booty” is all about. Read it now here:
What’s The Top SEO Focus For 2022? Ask An SEO
What does Google recommend for keyword density percentage? Well that my friend is found in this article below. It is packed with “insider information” from Google itself on how to rank higher. Read it here:
Google’s Digital Marketing Certificate Recommends Keyword Density Percentages
The Outsourcing Secrets You Need To Scale A Digital Marketing Agency
I've often said that most people build their agency backwards. They think they need to generate oodles of cash… before getting key hires in place.
That strategy can work.
But another (and in my opinion better) strategy is to put key hires in place to help you grow from the very beginning.
But which hires to make? And how can you do it with zero out of pocket? The answers to all that and more can be found in Nick's brand new YouTube video.
Which you can watch right here:
Freaky Friday Special:
How To "Rig" Your Biz
To Survive A Down Economy
On this week's Aloha Friday Local Marketing Jam Session, we went live to discuss the very spooky topic of:
Surviving a down economy.
Truth is, owing a marketing agency is one of the best ways to ensure consistent cash flow. Even when the world shuts down
That said, most people do not have robust businesses that will take them through the danger zone.
And that's because they're not OWNING their business as an asset. They'r simply working in their business like another J-O-B.
So if you'd like to learn how to OWN your business an asset… which will allow you to generate far more passive income (even during down times)… then check out the Live Show replay right here:
In case you missed it:
Right now we are offering a sweet bonus package when you pick up Local Media Hero before the Tonight, Sunday, May 15th at Midnight Pacific Deadline.
Local Media Hero is a brand new system that is designed to:
> Help you become a credible expert and “go-to” marketer… even if you have no clients, no samples, and no experience.
> Build a pool of highly-qualified leads—so you can “fish” for clients whenever you please.
> Allow you complete and utter control over your flow of leads so you never deal with “feast and famine” cycles or wonder where your next check will come from.
> Sell practically whatever service you want 24/7 without you being at the computer or pounding the pavement all day.
> And a whole lot more.
Plus, our bonus package which will put the whole thing on steroids.
And yes, today you can get all of that for less than 30 bucks. Which means you can create that in your budget just by not eating out one time this week.
In any event, you must pick it up before Tonight, Sunday, May 15th at Midnight Pacific.
To do that, head here immediately:
P.S. In our emails, we did mention that yesterday was the deadline. But that's because Sunday for us is usually content only emails and we knew we weren't going to email you about this again.
But… we added this offer to Shark Bites as a little Easter egg and a bonus for being a loyal reader. Just wanted to clear that up in case you were confused…
Well that's all for now.
This week we have a lot more planned for you. including, an SEO-focused bundle that will blow your fins off.
Keep your eye peeled for that this week.
And I'll talk with you soon!
Tom Gaddis
P.S. Hungry for more content? Here are three easy ways we can help you today:
- Agency Growth Machine – Our highly-popular directory strategy that makes YOU a local influencer.
- Shark Alliance – Want to see my step-by-step roadmap to go from $0 to 6-figures in sales each year? Click here to learn more and try it for a full 30-days for just $1.
- Remote Millionaires Coaching Program – Schedule your free Breakthrough Call to learn the strategy we use to build remote business to 6-figures a year from scratch.