The ability to make money online has seduced flocks of people to leave their corporate jobs and pursue the work-from-anywhere lifestyle. Many people who want to follow this path think that affiliate marketing is a surefire way to earn a bunch of money on the internet. The truth is, it's not that easy. Without a game plan, you'll struggle and end up lost. To help you navigate through the hoops, Tom has put together a 4-Part Series on Affiliate Marketing. Tune in to this episode to learn the basics, then follow the series to get actionable steps to help you become a successful affiliate marketer.
You can also listen to Amber Spears Affiliate Marketing Secrets episode here
“The bigger your audience gets, the more you can make with affiliate marketing.”
– Tom Gaddis
In This Episode:
- What is the REALITY of affiliate marketing, and how much money can you make from it
- There are TWO things you need to have before doing affiliate marketing, and here's how you can start
- How can you find PROFITABLE affiliate marketing offers
- Why you need to build an email list of actual BUYERS instead of having a list made up of random persons