What’s The Secret? Online Course Creation with Molly Wendell

Online course creation can be one of the most effective ways to get your knowledge and skills out into the world. Guest Molly Wendell breaks down key strategies in creating a successful and effective online course. Tom and Molly discuss the importance of getting specific, knowing your audience, crafting an accurate course promise, and picking the right platforms for course creation. Molly also breaks down the best way to present your content online in order to capture attention and ensure satisfaction.

“When you’re all things to all people, you are nothing to no one.”

-Molly Wendell

In This Episode:

  • The more specific you are about who you serve, and what result they are going to get, the more likely people are to buy.
  • Think about whatever pain your audience finds themselves in. How can your online course alleviate their pain and frustration? Knowing the audience will take care of what you need to talk about in your course.
  • Implementing a course promise is an effective way to guide your content towards getting results from your clients. Having a crystal clear course promise reduces your number of refunds by providing concrete results.
  • The biggest mistake made when creating a course is forgetting that it should be 25% teaching, 75% clients doing the work. They should be able to get to the end result WITHOUT you. Sometimes 1:1 time won’t scale once your business starts to grow.


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Tom Gaddis

Attended the School of Hard Knocks. A former restaurant manager in Oklahoma, Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success bad enough that he picked up his family, including two small children and moved to beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Starting from zero, Tom embarked on building a local marketing consulting business. And promptly fell on his face! It seems Hawaiians were lovely people, until you tried to sell them something! But he persevered and learned from his mistakes. Today he's arguably one of the most successful in his niche and expecting to grow over 100% this year alone.

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