How to Write Digital Marketing Proposals – FREE TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD


Your digital marketing proposal is your final opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and inspire the high-level confidence in your services that converts on-the-fence prospects into excited new clients.

Preparing and delivering persuasive proposals are a necessary evil because clients expect to see the details laid out in language they understand before deciding who to hire. Make an effort to present the problem and the solution in a way that makes sense to prospects without digital marketing experience, so they know you are both focused on the same goals and outcomes.

How to Write Digital Marketing Proposals (DOWNLOAD FREE TEMPLATE BELOW)

Your proposals should explain the services you will provide, a list of deliverables, a timeline, and how much everything costs. But proposals also give you a chance to make an impactful impression when you detail the benefits to your client if they work with you in particular.

To save time and hassle, create a proposal template for each service you provide. With a template, creating future proposals will become a fill-in-the-blank exercise you can complete in minutes instead of hours. Consider a simple proposal structure that covers all the bases:


    • INTRODUCTION: Identify the problem(s) your services are solving, describe the prospect’s current market conditions, and give an overview of their goals.
    • SERVICES: List the services the client is paying for as well as the services they get for free as part of other services. Things like competitor analysis or keyword research may be part of your SEO service that you know has to happen, but they will see as added value.
    • DELIVERABLES/TIMELINE: For one-time projects, this means due dates, but for ongoing services include regular reporting so clients feel more confident that they can keep track of what you are doing and see that you're accountable to the agreed-upon goals.
    • INVESTMENT: Line item costs for services provided.
    • ABOUT US: List expertise, track record, experience, and accomplishments of your agency or staff so prospects know who they will be working with. Why should they choose you? What special value do you provide that they won’t get with other agencies?
    • CALL TO ACTION/NEXT STEPS: Be clear on what the prospect should do next and what steps need to be taken to get started. Make it easy for them to accept your proposal or discuss changes and let them know that approval means you’ll send over a contract that details how you get paid.

Creating Client Winning Digital Marketing Proposals + FREE TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD

Client winning proposals are written AFTER you and the prospect have agreed on goals and the best way to reach those goals. When talking to the prospect, you’ll want to get enough information to build a complete proposal that is a summary of what was discussed and agreed upon.

With a brief phone call, you can clarify what you actually do and what your clients can expect in terms of results and service. You will also better position your services when you know what the client perceives the problem is (and how close that is to reality), what marketing metrics they are using, and how fast they want to reach their goals.

When clients find surprises in your proposals you risk losing what little trust they had in working with a new service provider. Be clear on what services are being offered, the pricing for those services, and the timeline for milestones and deliverables.

Additionally, it’s important to detail what will be needed from the client to start and continue services (such as logins or set up fees), and how delays in providing those things affect when work starts.

You can download the proposal example below to use as an example or as a template to create your own digital marketing proposals:




Professional proposals make you stand out from the competition and give businesses compelling reasons to choose your services as the perfect marketing solution. Clients don’t want to worry about their online marketing or learn how to do these things themselves. Be sure your proposals focus on the value of working with you for comprehensive hands-free solutions that free up their time while increasing their digital presence and growing their business.


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Picture of Tom Gaddis

Tom Gaddis

Attended the School of Hard Knocks. A former restaurant manager in Oklahoma, Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success bad enough that he picked up his family, including two small children and moved to beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Starting from zero, Tom embarked on building a local marketing consulting business. And promptly fell on his face! It seems Hawaiians were lovely people, until you tried to sell them something! But he persevered and learned from his mistakes. Today he's arguably one of the most successful in his niche and expecting to grow over 100% this year alone.

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