Shark Bites – Issue 241

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Issue #241 | April 21st 2024

Welcome to Shark Bites!

That picture above is from the MSG Sphere in Las Vegas.

There’s a good chance you’ve heard of the MSG Sphere.

And that’s because the marketing around this thing was insane. Well it better be because that sucker cost $2.3 BILLION to build…


But it will probably pay off in the long run, because it’s a giant, light up billboard that all of Vegas can see. 

Anyway, to help you get seen by your local community without having to cough up billions of dollars, let's dive into this round of Shark Bites

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  • Up first, Remote Millionaire, Dorn “The MegaloDorn” Brenton, sold a cool 5 audits worth $2,500 this week. Great job Dorn!
  • Next, our very own Nick Ponte got two new clients: A $3k/month and a $2k/month Shark Diving and Surf / Kayak company. Woohoo!
  • Then, Remote Millionaire, Joanne Westwood, is helping out a local non-profit and still getting paid $600. That’s the power of an agency, you can really help your community.
  • Last but not least, Remote Millionaire, Brandon Stewart, lands 2 new clients… plus gets referrals for 2 more that could be clients on the way!

Another great week, thanks to everyone for writing in your wins!

If you’d like to write in your wins and be featured, you can do so inside of the Remote Marketing Agency Owners Private Facebook Group. Remember to use “#win” so we can feature you in next week’s “Catch of the Week”.

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Catch 2

Welcome to “Pirate’s Booty” – a curated stash of local marketing news and content for your reading pleasure.

SEO is a tricky game.

There is a lot of stuff that happens “behind the scenes”. And you don’t always know what affects what.

Like for example, if changing web hosting affects your SEO.

This is important because a lot of times clients will change their web hosting when hiring you. 

But luckily, Google recently came clean on this topic.

So if this is a question you’ve ever asked yourself, get the answer here:

Google Answers If Changing Web Hosting Affects SEO

You know we like to keep a close eye on the trends and forces in our industry.

And no trend and force is more impactful right now than AI.

That’s why I wanted to share this article about how Meta is introducing both Google & Bing search results into their AI assistant.

If this interests you, read it at this link:

Meta Integrates Google & Bing Search Results Into AI Assistant

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On this week’s Aloha Friday Local Marketing Jam Session we went live for:

New Google Map Trends: How To Profit Off This Red-Hot Opportunity For Local Marketers

This was a very special Live Show done with our good friend, Paul James.

Paul knows a ton about internet marketing.

And one of his specialities is in SEO and specifically playing the Google Maps game.

That’s why we knew we had to have him on to talk about new trends in Google Maps and how anyone in local marketing can profit off of these new opportunities.

If you want to tune in to the replay, you can do so here:

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Well there’s another round of Shark Bites.

Thanks as always for being here and playing along.

As I often do, to reward you for reading this far I’d like to give you a little glimpse into what is to come…

This week we are going to host a training that is going to blow your socks off.

On it, we’re going to reveal how to make $1k-$2k PER WEEK using a very cool strategy.

So stay tuned for that…


Tom Gaddis

P.S. Hungry for more content? Here are three easy ways we can help you today:

  1. Remote Millionaires Podcast – Get free weekly episodes about growing a lifestyle business from anywhere in the world.
  2. Agency Growth Machine – Our highly-popular directory strategy that makes YOU a local influencer.
  3. Shark Alliance – Want to see my step-by-step roadmap to go from $0 to 6-figures in sales each year? Click here to learn more and try it for a full 30-days for just $1. 
  4. Remote Millionaires Coaching Program – Free 15-Minute Agency Strategy Call with our team.
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Tom Gaddis

Tom Gaddis

Attended the School of Hard Knocks. A former restaurant manager in Oklahoma, Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success bad enough that he picked up his family, including two small children and moved to beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Starting from zero, Tom embarked on building a local marketing consulting business. And promptly fell on his face! It seems Hawaiians were lovely people, until you tried to sell them something! But he persevered and learned from his mistakes. Today he's arguably one of the most successful in his niche and expecting to grow over 100% this year alone.

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